Tuesday, April 05, 2005

A certain glandular edition class

Just a quick post to note that in the past month, we've had visitors from the US, Canada, the UK, Japan, Venezuela, Brazil, Greece, Estonia, and Spain. In honour of this diversity, I've decided to take a sample paragraph from the weblog and translate it into Spanish (well, you have to start somewhere) using Google's web translation service.

Las mejores estimaciones espigadas de la experiencia colectiva de mis informadores están ésa el sábado que mi garganta puede todavía ser dolorida en implanta el lado (una cierta clase de edición glandular). El tragar y el hablar lastimarán después de la cirugía y pueden inmóvil por sábado. Puedo inmóvil tener absolutamente muchos de dolor en implanto el sitio aunque ése varía extensamente de persona a la persona. Si lo hago, puedo tomar los painkillers que me harán la clase de loopy.

Of course, the majority of readers are English, so it only seems fair to tranlate it back into English for you using the same service:

The best gleaned estimations of the collective experience of my informers are that one the Saturday that my throat can still be sore in implants the side (a certain glandular edition class). Swallowing and speaking they will hurt after the surgery and they can immovable per Saturday. I can immovable have absolutely many of pain in I implant the site although that one varies extensively of person to the person. If I do it, I can take painkillers that will do the class to me of loopy.

Remarkable. That's just how it felt!



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