Thursday, November 30, 2006

Placido Domingo lends his voice to the hearing-impaired

My cousin sent me a link to this very, very good news story. It really made my day when I thought about the change this is going to make in the life of kids who, because of geography and circumstances, have little or no chance otherwise to hear more clearly.

And while I'm on the topic, thank god for those who achieve success and then turn around and put out a hand to those left behind.

- ronnie

November 26, 2006

Placido Domingo lends his voice to the hearing-impaired
Associated Press

NEW YORK — Placido Domingo's latest project is music to the ears of the hearing-impaired.

The tenor, paired with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, is speaking for a global effort called "Hear the World" to raise awareness about hearing loss and to offer the latest technology to those in need — especially in developing countries.

Hearing aids will be delivered to poor children in the Guatemalan jungle; hearing-challenged youths in Pretoria, South Africa, will be taught how to function alongside classmates who hear; and youngsters in remote parts of the island of Fiji will be tested for the first time.




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