Storm Watch

Nova Scotia and the southern shore of New Brunswick (Saint John etc.) will take the brunt because of wind and storm surge.
Everybody's going to get a damned good soaking, though, including Mike, as you can see from the current satellite image, taken about ten minutes ago, above.
The worst we're expecting here is a power outage, so we're well prepared for that (cats have been briefed and are wearing little tiny miners' helmets), and possibly some localized flooding because of the rains. (Autumn leaves are blocking some of the storm drains; yesterday a street perpendicular to ours was flooded until a city crew came by and cleared them.) So we're pulling for NS and southern NB and crossing our fingers.
Labels: weather
Miners' helmets I can understand, but why would you put briefs on Mojo and Veronica? Is this a Canadian thing?
The good-thoughts engine is going full-tilt now. Try to stay dry.
we got the tail end of your rain all the way from new york to dc today. hope everyone's safe and dry...and i agree with sherwood...why put briefs on the cats? what does mojo have to say about this??
Rain's over here and caused some cancellations but not much more. The dogs, of course, wore boxers.
Cats were briefed in case we had to evacuate. Do you expect them to go out on the street bare naked?
They wore identical briefs because everybody is comfortable with their sexuality around here. Especially the cats, who don't got none.
Boxers, eh? Nice catch!
let's have PHOTOS of those well-briefed cats!!! don't forget the tiny little miner's hats, either.
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