Anil Dash has a nice article about Lolcats and more specifically about
the language they speak, which he calls "kitty pidgin". I'm a regular participant in the
I Can Has Cheezburger comments threads, finding them an excellent break a couple of times a day and sure to generate a smile, and I have been fascinated by being part of the real-time evolution of what has been variously described a dialect, a creole, or as Dash describes it, a pidgin language. Lolcat has distinct rules of syntax and grammer that continue to develop organically, and, thanks to the internet, among a large group of people over a very short time. In fact, a number of linguists are keeping an eye on it, as are - not surprisingly -
Labels: LOLcats
My fav is "Going to teh moon BRB!"
also really digging LOLHamas and www.whereisnuke.com ... i haz a love for dis languagez
There's a lolcats in my PC Gamer Magazine. I was very surprised...and happy...to see it!
Have you seen the Laugh-Out-Loud Cats?
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