A journal of a "post-lingual acquired hearing loss in adulthood", or how I went deaf - and got a cochlear implant - at 39.
Monday, November 01, 2010

Places you gotta visit
Vestigial Tails"You have to supply the pun yourself."
i am mojo
The journal of a small black and white cat "bouncing thru life for 10 consekutev yeers".
Five String Guitar
The continuing adventures of a (Canadian) deaf guy with bilateral cochlear implants.
Celonhael's Blog
My sister's funny and astute weblog.
Shannon Noel
My singer/songwriter cousin's website
I am a Child of Television
Brent's blog about TV
Xtreme English
Love notes to the English language.
Nostalgic for the Pleistocene
Psychiatric Help: 5¢
Dain Bramage
Dann Todd's blog about politics and other things.
Mom's Cancer
The award-winning book's site
The Fies Files
The author & artist's weblog
The Nellie Blog
Mike Peterson's blog about being a newspaperman and educator, among lots of other stuff.
Sherwood's blog about astronomy, cats, dogs, chickens and life at Fort Harrington.
Charles Leblanc, ADHD Activist
Charles writes on poverty, homelessness and politics in NB.
Kid Sis in Hollywood
The adventures of a smart, single screenwriter starting out in Hollywood
Christina's blog
Creek Running North
Josh Reads the Comics
(So You Don't Have To)
Previous Posts
- See, this is why I love the British.
- Muslim people. Wearing clothes.
- I can't figure out if I have to boycott you anyway.
- Little pitchers have big ears.
- First words
- Bless 'em all
- "Modern messaging a godsend for the deaf"
- Happy Thanksgiving
- Terrifying ourselves to death
- Actually, especially beware of the cat.
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What? No Tim Hortons reference?
You're only allowed 144 characters, Sherwood. No - wait - what?
Speaking of Twitter and Canadian-ness, I posted on Twitter yesterday that I'd just passed a guy in a hand-knit curling sweater carrying 3 cups of Tims. Tweeted "he may be the most Canadian person on the planet right now".
Nah. This guy still is, and probably will be for the rest of our lives:
(... and I think your blog was where I first found that clip four years ago.)
Anyway. Given what happened down here yesterday, with millions of people apparently having had their brains eaten by some alien, ooze-scarfing microbial hell-spawn that made them vote for septic creatures like Rand Paul, can California come up and be Canadian, too? Please? I mean, we just showed everybody that we can be adults, really, by voting down that make-doobies-legal thing, right.
PS - If you let us in, we'll bring Green Day with us. We'd even let them open for Bryan Adams.
California? Sure, we'll take California, now that Jerry Brown is your governor again. (Really?!) All we need is one thin line of rough road all the way to BC (where pot is practically legal, coincidentally.) We can use the sunshine. If you throw in Green Day, we'll give you all gift certificates to Tim Hortons AND Canadian Tire.
We were going to offer to take Maine, too. But Tuesday night changed all that.
Where do we pick up our coupons?
You can have Maine AND Massachusetts (think of it! Harvard and MIT!) if you evict the Bushes from Kennebunkport and make them go back to Texas and STAY THERE.
That is too funny!
I am your newest follower!
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