A journal of a "post-lingual acquired hearing loss in adulthood", or how I went deaf - and got a cochlear implant - at 39.
Friday, July 12, 2013

Places you gotta visit
Vestigial Tails"You have to supply the pun yourself."
i am mojo
The journal of a small black and white cat "bouncing thru life for 10 consekutev yeers".
Five String Guitar
The continuing adventures of a (Canadian) deaf guy with bilateral cochlear implants.
Celonhael's Blog
My sister's funny and astute weblog.
Shannon Noel
My singer/songwriter cousin's website
I am a Child of Television
Brent's blog about TV
Xtreme English
Love notes to the English language.
Nostalgic for the Pleistocene
Psychiatric Help: 5¢
Dain Bramage
Dann Todd's blog about politics and other things.
Mom's Cancer
The award-winning book's site
The Fies Files
The author & artist's weblog
The Nellie Blog
Mike Peterson's blog about being a newspaperman and educator, among lots of other stuff.
Sherwood's blog about astronomy, cats, dogs, chickens and life at Fort Harrington.
Charles Leblanc, ADHD Activist
Charles writes on poverty, homelessness and politics in NB.
Kid Sis in Hollywood
The adventures of a smart, single screenwriter starting out in Hollywood
Christina's blog
Creek Running North
Josh Reads the Comics
(So You Don't Have To)
Previous Posts
- "If you're not up to it, find something else to do...
- Glad I didn't inconvenience you.
- Commander Hadfield's fantastic finale.
- CO-MIX: In the Shadow of Art Spiegelman
- He haunts us.
- Another pretty picture from my hotel room in Vanco...
- Upon arriving in Vancouver.
- Is Somebody Singing?
- @Cmdr_Hadfield redux
- @Cmdr_Hadfield
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