Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Goodbye, Cosmo

I got this email from my sister a little while ago.

"Hey. I just wanted to let you know that this morning, around 9:30, Cosmo had a heart attack and died. He was fine earlier, had his breakfast, barked at a visitor, took a nap on his little bed, and died in his sleep... It's hard to accept that he's gone, and not just hanging out in one of his usual spots around the place.

Make sure you snuggle Mojo and Veronica tonight. They can, quite literally, be taken from you, unexpectedly, in the space of a few minutes, but they will forever leave a hole in your heart."

Cosmo was my family's dog; he was my Mom's dog and my Dad's dog but most of all, my Sister's dog. I never got to know him very well - my visits home have been sporadic during his all-too-short ten years. But he had charm and personality, as you can see for yourself.

Thanks to Sis for the pictures. Many of the readers of this blog are not just animal caregivers but passionate about animals, understanders of animals. I know they join with me in sending my parents and Sis genuine sympathy and good thoughts to help them get through these first days after the loss of a beloved family member.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, sis. It made me cry again (nothing new there), but I really appreciate the posting.

8:42 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And here I am, four days late, with my condolences and understanding. What a sweet-looking puppy...

My sympathies to your sister, Ronnie.

10:51 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello ronniecat,
my sympathies to your sister also. as well as to anyone who knew him (?). (well, maybe not the mailman.) a "sweet-looking" doggie indeed.
dave a

2:56 a.m.  

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