Thursday, March 23, 2006

Center of the Universe

Some anniversaries become more significant in the absence of observation.

March 9 marked the one-year anniversary of my CI surgery. While I thought about it on the day, I didn't blog about it, or even mention it to anyone. It felt kind of good that it wasn't a big deal - that life has moved on to the point where the rough parts - like the surgery - can play second fiddle to the high points, like the upcoming anniversary of the implant activation on April 7. That's the day my life really changed.

Having said that, the day of the surgery was still a pretty significant event, and for more people than just me, as it happens. We ran into an old friend a few nights ago who I haven't seen in a couple of years. He had been keeping up with Husband and C., however, and knew about the deafness and the implant. He was very keen to hear all the details of the surgery, and Husband and I told him all about it.

"The day of her surgery was one of the worst blizzards to hit Halifax that winter," Husband said.
"What?" I said.

"It was one of the worst blizzards of that whole winter," he said. "The whole city shut down. Power was out everywhere. Streets were closed, all the businesses were shut up tight."

I was astonished. I had absolutely no idea. The storm hadn't hit when I went off to the OR - it was merely grey and windy - and I had been far too preoccupied with the surgery to even think about weather reports once we had safely made the drive from NB to NS. And of course I was quite literally "out of it" for the rest of the day, as the storm hit and got progressively worse. In the focus on recovering from surgery and returning home, Husband and I never talked about the weather the day of the operation, and I was amazed on Tuesday to hear the story of how the whole city shut down around the island of power and warmth and light that was the hospital. The only thoroughfare in Halifax that remained open was the route that led from our hotel to the hospital, which meant Husband could get back and forth as needed. "The power doesn't go out here," the staff assured him, referring to the hospital's own generators. We were in the best place we could possibly be, they said - there was a cafeteria with hot food and a safe place to stay if he needed it.

How odd to realize what big things were happening out there that day while I lay unaware, with everyone in my little world - including me - entirely focused on me. It's quite amazing what you can be completely oblivious to, when you're the center of the universe.


Saturday, March 18, 2006

What's the matter with kids today?

From a CBC news story about Halifax skateboarders who are dodging a new helmet law comes this quote:

"But even faced with a fine, several bare-headed skateboarders at a park in Halifax say they don't want to wear a helmet. 'It's not the most cool thing to do. You get made fun of a lot,' said David Hung."

The dude's name is David Hung and he's worried about getting made fun of for wearing a skateboarding helmet?

Man, kids these days aren't even tryin'.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Cursed, I tells ya. Cursed!

Found this in my email this evening.

I suppose we're both going to hell for blasphemy, or disrespect, or snickering at church signs, or something.

Well, he's a Deacon, which I think gets us a place at the head of the buffet line.

Thanks, Deacon ;)


Monday, March 13, 2006

It's SPRING! Kind of...

Yesterday it was 15 degrees and sunny... gorgeous! It's SPRING!

Meanwhile, one province over... my brother sent me some pictures from St. John's, Newfoundland.

His neighbourhood:

My neighbourhood:

Keep in mind that Newfoundland winters have always been much milder than mainland Canadian winters due to the warming influence of the Gulf Stream, or Gulf Current.

Brothers and sisters, that's just whack!


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Dear Canadian Soldier...

It has been a really rough week for our Canadian troops serving in Afghanistan, and my thoughtful sister asked if I knew a way to write to our troops overseas. A little digging turned up the information that you can send letters and postcards (but nothing else) to "Any CF Member", not only in Afghanistan but in our other current OPs in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Sinai, Golan Heights, or Jerusalem. The addresses are here.

There is really nothing like paper mail, but alternately you can post to a public online message board where notes of support for the troops are available for them to browse through. I expect we can't imagine or understand how much these messages of support and encouragement mean to them, especially right now, when they have lost a number of brothers in a row, and when their role is being publicly squabbled about at home by everybody on all sides, mostly for political purposes.

Drop them a line. It'll take ten seconds and it'll make some 20-year-old kid from Brandon or the Gaspé or Black Tickle feel a little better on a lousy day.


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Best. Video. EVER!

Thanks from the bottom of my heart to D.D. Degg, an invaluable font of interesting information, comic gossip and news, and assorted neat stuff, who posted this gem to r.a.c.s.

The Simpsons Title Sequence - in live action!


Monday, March 06, 2006

Turning the corner

Sorry for not posting lately. Between the time of year and my Dad-in-law's death (and 3 weeks later, the emotional punch to the gut of his birthday) I've been in a real dark grey funk.

So I'll share this with you. Bill posted a link to it to rec.arts.comics.strips today. Looking at it made me feel better and sharing it with you will make me feel more better.

Today was the first day it truly felt like spring. It was warm and sunny. You could distinctly feel that we've turned the corner. Pretty soon the crocuses and snowdrops will appear and I'll feel a lot better. We all will.
